“The Divide” – A mobile Escape Game
Die 9b und die 9d haben unter der Leitung von Frau Klinghammer und Frau Dworok im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts an einem Escape Game in englischer Sprache teilgenommen. Hierfür kam eine englische Muttersprachlerin und HLG-Mutter, die ehrenamtlich bei der Organisation „Spielen hilft“ tätig ist, in die Schule und leitete das Spiel voller Enthusiasmus und Leídenschaft an. Eine Kleingruppe von Schülern der 9d hat einen Artikel über ihre Erlebnisse verfasst. Außerdem sehen Sie noch ein paar Impressionen zum Spielaufbau. Wir hoffen, dass wir das Escape Game auch in den kommenden Jahren wieder am HLG abhalten können.
“The Divide” is an Escape Game from “spielen hilft” which focuses on social inequality, by letting you solve puzzles with a deeper meaning. When we first played the game we noticed it was really important to work as a team. You have no chance of completing the game within 20 minutes unless your team splits up and takes a look at both social sites. The game is all about
communicating. We tried our best to rush through the game without thinking about the great story, deeper meaning and what the props symbolize. But if you take your time playing or watching the game you begin to understand what the game is about and get an insight about the social divide in life. We personally think that this game is a great way to deal playfully with a topic like social inequality, instead of reading through a lot of texts and studying facts about it. It is a different learning process, which could help people understand it better. It inspired us to think deeper about it instead of just putting it in a box like other
school topics and forgetting about it after sometime. We would really recommend playing the game with your class! Maybe you will once break our record! (17:30 minutes)